This looks like it’ll be pretty amazing. ‘I am Eleven’

TBH, I’m not sure I can take 90 minutes of 90 kids giving random simplistic quotes on stuff. It’s either going to be that, or it’s going to be the filmmaker narrating it all into his or her own vision and agenda. Looking at the trailer, it looks like all the kids are spit image of each other (aside from living in different countries and looking different). What about the privileged white kids in Africa who think Black people around there are there to serve them? What about the Arab boys who think that women are not supposed to do anything outside the household? (Notice that they didn’t interview an Arab girl… at least not in the trailer.) What about the Indian girl whose biggest aspiration in life is to get arranged marriage to a boy belonging to a better social class? What about the little country boy who goes hunting with dad? What about the christian buy who volunteers with his family for some social conservative issue? It looks like there will be none of that. It looks like it will be kumbaya-we-are-all-the-same – the same liberal vision of course.